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Name: The Tyre Store T/A Just Tyres
Legal Form: a limited company registered and incorporated in the UK
Service: Provision and fitting of tyres, including repairs and alignments
Registered office and postal Address: Unit 3, iO Centre, Fingle Drive, Stonebridge, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK13 0AT
Telephone: 0333 220 5071
Email: [email protected]
Public registers: Details about the limited company's registration can be viewed at under reference 03704400
VAT number: GB 785 4423 04
General terms and conditions: a verbal quotation will be offered and acceptance of this will be deemed as engagement to commence work.
Applicable law: Unless otherwise agreed, English Law, with the English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning the service and any matters arising from it.
Work Guarantees: All products are warrantied for 5 years from date of fitment, please see our full warranty document for further information. This is provided along with your receipt at the time of purchase.
Complaints: Complaints can be made by contacting our customer service team, details as above.
Just Tyres also operates a complaints procedure and you can access this by visiting Complaints Process or by calling 0333 220 5071
Shop with confidence
At Just Tyres we are passionate about our customers safety and the service that we provide to them. You can be assured that when you choose Just Tyres you will receive the best service, the right tyres for your needs and a great deal.